Specialist Stain and Colour Fusion Removal
To remove a stain, you need to know what it’s chemical composition is so that it can be released and removed from the fibres -100 years experience and a very well-equipped laboratory ensures that we can deal with virtually any stain.
For more advice ….
Email: customercare@beharprofex.com
Robert Behar: 020 8959 5877

Unfortunately we all accidentally spill various chemicals on our rugs – from simple food spills right up to and including domestic bleach.
Some of these stains are not removed during the normal cleaning process, so they are individually pre-treated prior to THOROUGH cleansing and if necessary post cleansing also.
These tough stains often heavily discolour the rug and, especially if these stains are left for many decades, burn into the fibres much like a dye.
To remove this requires a small laboratory, testing equipment, a testing regime and the follow-up tools and equipment to ensure this unsightly stain is finally removed.
Fortunately, with over 100 years of family experience, we have all the necessary requirements to remove virtually any stain including permanent ink.
We can assist with your rug cleaning, restoration and stain removal requirements wherever you are in London or across the UK. Contact us today.