Moth Shield organic oil mix 20ml Powered Vapouriser – for carpets and clothes (odourless)


SALE – 1 x Pack of 2 for £26.50

The Moth Shield Powered vapouriser – designed to provide large amounts of continuous Moth Shield vapour in a seriously moth infested area to kill the existing moth and prevent further infestation quickly

Moth Shield organic oil mix liquid consumption 2ml/24hours (approximately)

Your order includes a 100ml refill.

Your order will be delivered within 48 hours.

To keep you clean we supply a pair of disposable gloves free of charge

When ordering, number required = 1 (1 pack of 2 powered vaporisers)




How many powered vaporisers do I need in a room 18′ x 12′?
– 4 x Moth Shield powered vaporisers are sufficient to do the job unless the room is particularly infested then 6 x Moth Shield powered vaporisers are preferable

How long does a refill last?
    – We supply you with a ‘full container’ of Moth Shield liquor at purchase + a 100 mL extra bottle to refill the container when it’s empty.
    – We also supply you with a spare wick to ensure you get the full benefit from your Moth Shield powered vaporiser.
    – Each ‘full container’ lasts about 20 days