Moth Shield offers you a wide range of products for Rug, Carpets and Clothes care against moths. Call 020 8959 5877 for advice.
The Carpet Moth Life CycleClothes moths go through four distinct lifecycle periods with significant change at each stage. Understanding the clothes moths life cycle is key to knowing how to best deal with moth problems in the home, in both eradicating and repelling these destructive domestic pests.
1. Carpets Moth Eggs
The beginning of the Clothes moth lifecycle – adult female moths can lay 100-400 eggs over their short life and these eggs are tiny, typically 0.5mm in length. The eggs hatch from between 4 and 10 days depending on temperature and humidity.
2. Carpets Moth Larvae
The eggs hatch as carpets moth larvae – this is the destructive stage. The larvae are typically a few millimetres long upon hatching but then grow to 1-1.5cm in length, dependent on availability of food (the larvae feed on animal skin, bird nests, fur, clothing, carpets and upholstery made of natural fibres or animal skin.!!!) and moisture to help intake of water – they cannot ‘drink’ in a conventional sense and hence require humidity. This is why residual perspiration or food and drink stains on clothing and rugs/carpets attract moths. Carpets moth larvae can stay at this stage for up to 30 months (2 ½ years!) happily eating your clothing and rugs/carpets whilst waiting for the right conditions to turn into adult moths. This is precisely why carpets moth issues persist through the winter, not just from the Spring when the adults tend to start flying.
Carpet moths can complete a number of lifecycles within a year and are more like webbing clothes moths in that they spin webbing in areas where they like to reside.
You may see these silken cases or threads, either during their life as larvae or after pupation. Their speed of development depends entirely upon local temperature, humidity and food supplies and can be as fast as 8 weeks from egg to adult, resulting in several generations during the summer, but the last generation of larvae will carry on as larvae through the winter (and eating your carpet) while waiting for the warmer spring temperatures to pupate and re-start the adult cycle. It is not uncommon to find larvae the same colour as your carpet fibres having eaten the dyes in the carpet pile. They will look for undisturbed, darker areas to lay their eggs – hence being more likely found under sofas and other furniture, behind curtains and along skirting boards.
3. Cocoon
When the temperatures are right and the larvae have reached the right size, they then start the pupation stage where they spin a cocoon in which they metamorphose into the adult moth. This remarkable natural process typically takes 8 to 10 days. You may find the ‘debris’ from this stage in the form of used webbing cases from which the webbing clothes moth takes its common name.
4. Adult Carpets Moth
The final part of the life cycle occurs when the adult clothes moth measuring about 1-1.5cm emerges from the cocoon. Their wingspan is typically 14-18 mm. Whilst relatively harmless in their own right, the issue and risk to property is clearly the risk of further egg laying and the infestation getting out of land, hence the need to deal with both adult and larvae stages of the carpet moth lifecycle in treatment routines. The presence of adult carpets moths signals a potential infestation should they be allowed to lay their numerous eggs. The female adult carpets moth tends to hop or crawl – it is the male that flies more often in search of a mate.
The treatment routines are the same regardless of the type of moth invading your home. You may wish to consider protecting your clothes in wardrobes, cupboards and drawers if you have experienced moths in your home in case they have reached other rooms in the house.
Whichever stage of the clothes moth life cycle you believe are present in your home, you’ll find all the solutions here at Moth removal.
We’ve helped thousands of customers deal with moth prevention effectively – with great pre- and post-sale support so that you’re not alone, fast and secure delivery service, by giving you clear instruction guides and ensuring that you have the right products to deal with your moth infestation, fast!
Moth Shield offers you a wide range of products for Rug, Carpets and Clothes care against moths. Call 020 8959 5877 for advice.